As dogs age and near the end of their lives, they may develop the following symptoms:
Reduced vitality: Reduced activity and loss of interest in things that used to interest you.
Loss of appetite: You may be reluctant to eat or only eat small amounts of food.
Weight loss: due to poor appetite and metabolic changes.
Difficulty breathing: This may appear as shortness of breath or labored breathing.
Mobility problems: Walking becomes slow, unsteady, or difficult.
Take frequent breaks: you will get tired easily after activities.
Increased sleep: sleeping most of the day.
Visual and hearing loss: Reduced response to surrounding environment.
Dull hair: The hair may become dull and dull.
Apathetic: Showing depression or apathy.
Increased dependence on the owner: more need for the owner’s companionship and comfort.
Organ function decline: such as heart, kidney and other functions decline. When dogs exhibit these symptoms, owners should provide more love and care, including providing a comfortable environment, proper diet, and adequate rest. Also, stay in communication with your veterinarian to ensure your dog's comfort and dignity. In your dog's last moments, stay with him and give him warmth and comfort.