The choice of a guard dog should take into account its alertness, bravery, loyalty and trainability. The following are some common dog breeds suitable for home care and nursing homes:
1. German Shepherd: As one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, German Shepherd is known for its excellent intelligence and strong body. Known for his physique. Not only are they loyal and reliable, they are also extremely easy to train and can quickly learn and execute various instructions.
2. Rottweiler: The Rottweiler is a large dog breed known for its strength and loyal qualities. They are extremely loyal to their scavengers and highly wary of strangers, making them excellent house-guarding dogs.
3. Doberman Pinscher: Doberman Pinscher is an elegant and intelligent dog breed , they are strong and agile. Doberman Pinschers are undoubtedly an excellent choice as a guard dog, as they can quickly detect and respond to potential threats.
4. Chinese Garden Dogs: Chinese Garden Dogs are representatives of loyalty and protection of their owners. They are brave and intelligent and can help the excrement shovel guard the home and the courtyard. For Chinese families, the Chinese Garden Dog is a very suitable breed for home care and nursing homes.
In addition, Labrador, Corgi, Akita, Caucasian Shepherd, Australian Shepherd and other dog breeds are also suitable as dogs because of their respective excellent characteristics, such as loyalty, bravery, alertness, etc. House guard dog.