1. Superficial folliculitis
Superficial folliculitis is an infection that causes lumps, scabs, and sores on the skin of dogs. Short-haired dogs are more susceptible to this type of folliculitis, while long-haired dogs may suffer from loose skin tags and peeling. Dogs with folliculitis generally suffer from scabies, allergies, abrasions and other skin diseases.
2. Pyoderma
According to the severity of the disease, it can be divided into Superficial pyoderma, superficial pyoderma, and deep pyoderma. Pustular rashes, small pustules and purulent secretions appear on the skin of the lesion. In most cases, symptoms such as pustular rash, chapped skin, folliculitis and dry pyoderma are secondary. Once it develops into deep pyoderma, it is difficult to cure. .
Unlike folliculitis, it is most common in puppies. The most prominent symptom of pustules in dogs is blisters filled with pus, which will rupture and scab over time. Generally, pustules will grow on the abdomen where there is little hair or hair has been lost.